Study will evaluate administration and effects of freeze-dried platelets and plasma
ROCKVILLE, Md. (June 3, 2020) – BodeVet, Inc., a Maryland-based companyfocused on the development of novel blood products for use in veterinary transfusion, announced today that the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) has awarded the company a 2-year contract valued at $1.7 million to conduct a clinical trial in canine polytrauma patients at veterinary critical care hospitals. The study is designed to evaluate the administration of two lyophilized blood products, StablePlate RX® Canine (lyophilized canine platelets) and StablePlas™ Canine (lyophilized canine plasma) and their effects on hemodynamic stabilization following trauma, and to determine survival benefit when compared to current veterinary standard of care for trauma resuscitation.
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