StablePlate PRP™

StablePlate PRP™ is a freeze dried, platelet derived substitute for platelet rich plasma (PRP).

StablePlate PRP™

StablePlate PRP™ is a freeze dried, platelet derived substitute for platelet rich plasma (PRP). Because the nascent PRP industry lacks a consistent methodology for the preparation of PRP, resultant inconsistencies have encumbered a broad acceptance of PRP therapy. BodeVet provides a controlled, standardized solution.

StablePlate PRP™ is sourced from many animals of the same species to reduce variability, and subjected to rigorous quality control testing. To minimize user error, StablePlate PRP™ will be available off the shelf as dry powder in a vial, ready for reconstitution with sterile water and administration at the point of care.

BodeVet is currently interested in forming research partnerships to evaluate StablePlate PRP™. Interested parties are encouraged to contact BodeVet.